big_win_green_bayIf you’ve been following the blog, you may have noticed that we haven’t posted anything new in a while. There’s a reason for that and it’s political…

Since November of last year, we at the Collective have taken on advocacy as one of our many hats.  This year we’ve managed to unify the cycling community for the cause of increasing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in the Green Bay area.  Bike advocacy takes time and effort, but who knew that the scales would tip so far in our direction!  With the support of the Wisconsin Bicycle Federation, Live 54218, We Bike Etc., Bay Shore Bike club, 99%ers Bike Club, and several citizen advocates, we’ve convinced the Village of Allouez and Green Bay to plow the Fox River Trail (De Pere isn’t on board yet, but we’re still working with them), we had the Green Bay Traffic Commission change their name to Traffic, Bicycle, and Pedestrian Commission, and our request for 5′ striped bike lanes on the Webster reconstruction has been approved!

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Mayor Jim Schmitt, our City Council, and of course the Department of Public Works for working directly on our requests. We are still stunned at the progress our community is making, so what’s the secret?  We bike, we engage our local officials respectfully, and stay reasonable and positive.

For more information about our work as of late, check out the following articles.

We will make a concerted effort to keep the blog updated and keep you informed of any opportunities to participate in any upcoming efforts.  Thanks and Ride On!



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