Summer isn’t over yet folks!  There’s still so much to enjoy.  Why not check out a few of these upcoming events…

All ages, community rides! Dust off your favorite ride and come on down!

11402786_1117732888256363_5368528401893800668_nBring the kids to Rock N Roll Land and enjoy this family friendly ride.  Leisurely pace, 10 miles or less with a stop half way in.

Looking for something a little more fast-paced?

Publication1Meet on the City Deck on the last Thursday of the month for a casual paced, community bike ride. Ride @ 8PM til ?- Bring a light! -10-20 miles

Maybe you’re looking to show off your ride, or get some ideas for a bike project for the Beja Bike Bash.  Check out this sweet new event!

IMG_1725Help support our local animal shelter, meet some cute, adoptable animals, enjoy local brews, bbq, and music.  Paid entry includes food, beverage, and a raffle ticket to win a new bike!

Info at…

Tickets at…


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